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Robot wall hanger for Stiga Stig 300/600/1200/A1500
Robot wall hanger for Stiga Stig 300/600/1200/A1500 Robot wall hanger for Stiga Stig 300/600/1200/A1500 Robot wall hanger for Stiga Stig 300/600/1200/A1500

Robot wall hanger for Stiga Stig 300/600/1200/A1500

With a wall hanger from Grimsholm, your robot mower is maintenance-charged while it is stored for the winter and you save valuable floor space in the garage.

Note that you need to buy screws... Read more
  • Kod produktu: 4067


36,89 EUR

With a wall hanger from Grimsholm, your robot mower is maintenance-charged while it is stored for the winter and you save valuable floor space in the garage.

Note that you need to buy screws separately that are suitable for the wall material where the wall hanger is to be put.

This wall hanger fits
- Stiga Stig 300
- Stiga Stig 600
- Stiga Stig 1200
- Stiga Stig A1500
  • Waga: 1.452kg
  • Length: 29.5 cm
  • Width: 40 cm
  • Height: 12.8 cm
Ten produkt jest objęty specjalną gwarancją firmy Grimsholm Green na okres 3 lat od daty zakupu.
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